Modern Slavery Statement

Updated October 04, 2023.

At Wyrr, we are committed to upholding the highest ethical standards in all aspects of our business operations. This commitment extends to ensuring that modern slavery and human trafficking have no place in our organization or within our supply chains. This Modern Slavery Statement reflects our dedication to eradicating these abuses and outlines the steps we take to prevent them.

Our Commitment:

(i) Zero Tolerance: We have a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and human trafficking in all our operations and supply chains.
(ii) Robust Policies: We have developed and maintain robust policies and procedures to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking.
(iii) Due Diligence: We conduct due diligence on our suppliers to assess their compliance with anti-slavery and human trafficking standards.
(iv) Training and Awareness: We provide training and raise awareness among our employees and suppliers about modern slavery and human trafficking.

Supply Chain Verification:

(i) We evaluate our supply chains to identify and assess the risk of modern slavery and human trafficking.
(ii) We collaborate with our suppliers to ensure they understand and comply with our values and policies.
(iii) Reporting and Whistleblowing:
(iv) We encourage our employees and suppliers to report any concerns related to modern slavery and human trafficking.
(v) We have mechanisms in place for reporting, investigation, and follow-up on these concerns.

Continuous Improvement:

(i) We regularly review and update our policies and procedures to ensure their effectiveness.
(ii) We collaborate with industry organisations and experts to stay informed about best practices in preventing modern slavery and human trafficking.

Verification and Compliance:

(i) We engage in regular independent audits and assessments of our supply chains to verify compliance with our policies. (ii) We hold our employees and suppliers accountable for any breaches of our policies and the law.

This Modern Slavery Statement reflects our unwavering commitment to combatting modern slavery and human trafficking in all its forms. We recognize that this effort is ongoing, and we are dedicated to continuously improving our practices and raising awareness about these critical issues.